Fanfiction Wikia

In the chance that they run out of ideas for Power Rangers teams, I am not given authority to travel to Tokyo and get the Sailor Senshi to be the next Ranger team. They're done fighting monsters, so there's no need to bother them.

Zephyr learned that the Power Rangers production staff were running out of ideas for Power Rangers teams. Zephyr decided to travel to Tokyo and get the Sailor Senshi to be the next Ranger team. Dimitri, Zephyr's father, told him that it would not be a good idea and that the Sailor Senshi were done fighting monsters. But Zephyr went to Tokyo anyway and got the Sailor Senshi to be the next Power Ranger team. When Dimitri found out about this, he was very angry. Zephyr got in big trouble by his father. Zephyr got punished. He wasn't allowed to go to the ice cream store. Zephyr became very angry. He glared at Dimitri and told him, "You're as evil as Sarousch!" He then went to his room in tears, where his real parents, Daniel and Veronica, are waiting for him.
